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I had the day off yesterday and I went jalan-jalan about town yesterday. Sydney is starting to lose its appeal, the way things do once familiarity sets in. I'm no longer in awe of the Harbour Bridge or the Opera House and have to remind myself that "ok, it's still a very pretty bay".

So, what did I do? I had lunch at the Royal Botanical Gardens, facing the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. Aside from the pesky ibises, the day was actually quite wonderful. Bonus! because I could hear Opera Australia rehearsing for Bizet's Carmen in the Opera House. I loved it, loved it. It's like music from heaven!

After I reached the end of my love for the said pesky ibises, I headed off to the NSW Art Gallery. It's a pretty big gallery and was beautifully designed to capture the sunlight through it's big windows. I saw some works by Australian artists and went on a guided tour for the Archibald, Wynne and Sulman 2008 Exhibition. Archibald is the annual competition for the best potraiture done of and by an Australasian artist, while Wynne awards best landscape and Sulman was best subject painting (I apologize if I got it wrong... more info

Here's the winner: "You are what is most beautiful about me" by Del Kathryn Barton

It's quite good but my favourite is this:
Not quite the Archibald prize, since it's the Watercolour category and definitely not portraiture.. but I'm a nature girl....

Titled: Camel Gate, on the border of Victoria and South Australia. I know it doesn't look like much, but this piece apparently was very organic in its synthesis. The artist left the canvas out in the open, when he went camping and collected the "works of nature". He then painted on the bushes and the gates, mimicking the setup of a lush temperate meadow in Europe, except here, it is the harsh but still beautiful Australian bushland.

On a lighter note, this is the winner of the Bald Archie Prize 2008, a satire of the real prize. For this prize, the winner wins $5K, as opposed to the real Archi prize of $50K. The Bald Archie depicts the Danish Royal family, with the Australian Princess Mary in all glory.



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