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Showing posts from March, 2008

In the Shadow of the Moon

I went to watch this documentary on the space mission to land on the moon. Directed by David Sington, it featured interviews with the 10 men that have been on the moon. It was really really good. One of those films that are actually significant. First of all, I appreciate the fact that there is visual documentation of this like-it-or-not significant event in history. I sat there thinking, I am glad this film was made because these people will die one day, and history and what they know of history will die with them. And so the film? Facsinating, engaging, emotional and powerful. Here is where I learn the origin of phrases such as "The Eagle has landed", and "One small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind". What else? The score man, the score! And the footages. Rocked! Did I like it? Yes. Yes. Yes. GO watch. Must. What did I think of during the film? "Boy, I'm glad I'm not a teenage boy watching this, because then I'll develop the unfortunat

Let's talk about how Science is a B***ch.

Today is most disappointing.. actually make that yesterday AND today. It's worse than disappointing. It's outright cruel. I am here, again in Sydney to repeat my previously observed results. Going to do the whole proving my hypothesis shit, y'know. Yesterday, I started off with GREAT responses from my positive cells- suffice to say, that's what I wanted to see. I was floating on Cloud 9 you know. My life was reaffirmed coz like, man.. I can do science!! Great great great.. I can apply for conferences, I can travel and dude, JOBS and stuff!! My PhD! YEAY! I can do science!!! Ya. It all came crashing down when my negative cells showed the SAME effing response. Use your power of deduction boys and girls... what does that tell you about my results?? And so I stayed till midnight, hoping against hope that maybe it's a random few cells.. Well, it looks like not. Let's all have a pity party for me. I think I want to go home and cry now.


I had the day off yesterday and I went jalan-jalan about town yesterday. Sydney is starting to lose its appeal, the way things do once familiarity sets in. I'm no longer in awe of the Harbour Bridge or the Opera House and have to remind myself that "ok, it's still a very pretty bay". So, what did I do? I had lunch at the Royal Botanical Gardens, facing the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. Aside from the pesky ibises, the day was actually quite wonderful. Bonus! because I could hear Opera Australia rehearsing for Bizet's Carmen in the Opera House. I loved it, loved it. It's like music from heaven! After I reached the end of my love for the said pesky ibises, I headed off to the NSW Art Gallery. It's a pretty big gallery and was beautifully designed to capture the sunlight through it's big windows. I saw some works by Australian artists and went on a guided tour for the Archibald, Wynne and Sulman 2008 Exhibition. Archibald is the annual competition f

OMG, It is true!!

I'm referring to the results of the General Election. It has happened! The opposition has well.. not won, that's not going to happen, but done superbly well! When I checked the results at 2 am Sunday, I was getting nervous and excited because by then Penang has fallen to DAP. And by Sunday morning proper, I've learned that 5 states are now in the hands of the Opposition, including Selangor... previously a BN stalwart. Yes People. It has happened. I'm not particularly pro-opposition, or anti-BN, but like many, I have been very disappointed with Malaysia's progress during Badawi's terms. With the results of the election, this confirms my suspiscion that others felt like me as well. It is just that we all know Malaysia can have the potential to be so much more. When I saw the results, a tear literally came to my eye because finally, Malaysians are galvanized to make a change. Malaysians, often guilty of the 'tidak apa' attitude, and of apathy, have finally

Malaysia General Election, 8th March 2008

Malaysia will hold it's general election this Saturday. I have been caught up in learning about Malaysian politics, and to my utter disgrace, I'm not even registered to vote. I say it now, it is completely inexcusable for me, who's 29, to not do my civic duty and even more contemptible for me to be waffling about the political situation in Malaysia. But waffle I will. I vow, before the you kind people of the online/virtual world and to whomever reading this, I shall be voting at the next election. I shall also say, I fit the criteria of the typical oppositon, leftist voter. Educated, young, urban, belonging to a generation that did not see the May 13 1969 incident and frustrated by the old-fashioned mindset of racial politics. What we need is a new vision for Malaysia- much like what Dr. King had for America. The present Malaysia is trapped in its own fears, fear of the unknown, fear that whatever economic and so-called stability will be lost if we vote in a new government.