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Random May Updates

Random updates:

1. Jack Chambers won the SYTYCD Australia and I've bought tickets to watch the tour when it hits Melbourne. Was kinda undecided but a friend convinced me that it is a once in a lifetime experience- since they are not likely to ever tour again. True.

2. Went for Sidney Nolan's exhibition at National Gallery of Victoria- he's probably Australia's most famous artist. I enjoyed the exhibition tremenduously. My favourites, if I can be impartial, were probably of his Dimboola series, since I HAVE been to Dimboola and seen its raw beauty. His more popular pieces were probably of his Ned Kelly series (Ned Kelly was Australia's most famous outlaw), which I also liked due to his signature treatment of Ned Kelly's mask.

Dimboola, if you refer to my first post on this blog, you probably can see the similarity in the dry landscape and the trademark silos.

Ned Kelly: this picture seemed a lot bluer than I remembered. Not sure if it was the same or just printing effect.

3. Am currently very excited reading my great find in a second-hand bookstore: Great Short Novels of the World edited by Barrett H. Clark. Published in 1935 (73-years old book!), cost $8 and a collection of short novels from different parts of the world. I am so excited because just weeks before, I was toying with the idea that there should be a collection of stories, folk-lores and tales from different cultures of the world, for posterity sake. And if there already is in English, then there should at least be attempts to compile a similar book in Malay. I would love for Malaysians to discover the wonders of the various cultures around the world. And all the more wonderful to discover it through literature. I wonder if DBP would consider doing something about it?

Anyway, desire to turn those random thoughts into semi-permanent electronic record have dissipipated due to the late hour and the desperate need for sleep.


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