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Showing posts from May, 2008

Victoria- Travel Log #1252

Ooh. I cannot resist putting up pictures of more traveling around Victoria. Farrah and I went to Trentham Falls, near Daylesford- about 90 km northwest of Melbourne. Although the drought has perhaps relegated the status to Trentham Falls to Trentham Trickle, it was still really nice because we could release our inner adventuress and pretend to trek through dangerous blackberry brambles and fallen logs to reach the base pool. See accompanying photos... It's not really that big..behold the spectacular Trentham Trickle! Farrah the Photographer. Somewhere over the rainbow.... is a pile of rocks... A (photo)shootout! Pretty. Chilling Feet. We had lunch at Mrs. Marples' Tea Room in Trentham (tiny) town. I initially thought it was Gerald's favourite-st tea and scone place at the Dandenongs', only to realize that the Dandenong one was named (as it should) MISS Marple's Tea Room. Nevertheless, fortuituous stroke of luck resulted in me having the most delicious BLT (Bacon, Le

Random May Updates

Random updates: 1. Jack Chambers won the SYTYCD Australia and I've bought tickets to watch the tour when it hits Melbourne. Was kinda undecided but a friend convinced me that it is a once in a lifetime experience- since they are not likely to ever tour again. True. 2. Went for Sidney Nolan's exhibition at National Gallery of Victoria- he's probably Australia's most famous artist. I enjoyed the exhibition tremenduously. My favourites, if I can be impartial, were probably of his Dimboola series, since I HAVE been to Dimboola and seen its raw beauty. His more popular pieces were probably of his Ned Kelly series ( Ned Kelly was Australia's most famous outlaw), which I also liked due to his signature treatment of Ned Kelly's mask. Dimboola, if you refer to my first post on this blog, you probably can see the similarity in the dry landscape and the trademark silos. Ned Kelly: this picture seemed a lot bluer than I remembered. Not sure if it was the same or just prin

Whoa, Malaysia takes a gadzillion steps back..

Shukers forwarded me this link today . Which prompted the following email from Ching: Shuk Yee: Pa, can I have your signature on this release form, please? Pa: But Shuk Yee, you are 50. Shuk Yee: Ya, but I still need your signature or else they will detain me in customs along with my gold-filled dentures. Pa: Ok, bring me my reading glasses. I cannot see where to sign. Shuk Yee: Use mine. Malaysia. Sigh... like that one lah..