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Showing posts from July, 2010

She'll be coming round the mountain, when she comes.

2nd July: Kinabalu Park. 6 am: up and about, waiting for our guide from our tour company. Was to be picked up at about 7 am. Guide did not show. Turns out that there was a miscommunication and they were expecting to pick us up only on the 3rd. Waited another 1.5 hr in a coffee shop, drinking more Kopi O ais. There's something rather comforting, or perhaps even nostalgic about being up and about in the early hours in a small town. None of this hurried rush that you'd get in the big city. 9 am: Guide turns up. Jamil and from then on, we were in good hands. Stopped by the Kundasang in our efforts to buy a guitar. Kundasang's a pretty interesting place. It was Tamu (market day) and we had everything on sale. Produce, poultry, homewares and more used-looking clothings (even possibly underwear, which was a little disconcerting). We booked accommodation outside the park, and the view from our view was pretty spectacular. Kinabalu is pretty spectacular anyway. We are planning to g

Borneo awesomeness

Happy travel tales!! Adrian came to visit in Malaysia. While here, we went on a 11-days trip of Borneo awesomeness. The trip was short but amazing. Nature, food, people, music. All the elements in life that makes me happy. To recap: Jul 01: Arrived in KK. Checked into hostel in Jalan Gaya. Nothing flash about KK- in fact, it seems like a town stuck in the 80's. Architecture-wise. Anyhoo, asked reception about the town's best spots and was pointed to its 3 major malls. Go figure. Spent the afternoon wandering around town and checking out the markets and the jetty. The harbour's pretty pretty especially during sunset. Fish market was a riot- fresh and CHEAP seafood. Swordfishes, 3 for RM5! Goodness.. if only I had a kitchen. Unfortunately, despite the availability of fresh seafood, dinner was surprisingly disappointing. We had grilled fish, crab and squid. Everything was meh. Walked home through some night market selling more used(?) looking clothing. More local yum-yum. This